ROOT_Application  2.0
C++ Core modules and GUIStock
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Todo List
Global AbstractObjectStock::SetLineColorObject (Color_t)
check used by who ? why not working called by THStock::SetColor
Global CanvasStock::DeleteOneTHStock (Int_t npad)
stupid loop here !!
File Controller.h

Include observer pattern ( need test and is really necessary ?? )

Define a specialization for classes without sub-controllers. Will solve (minimize) problems with pure virtual functions of ControllerBase.

Class ControllerFrame< T >
Case if no sub-controllers can be improved.
Global DataStock::GetDateTm () const
to make in Utils but only when tests will be written
struct tm
Global DataStock::HasChanged (const DataStock &data_to_check) const =0
check why DataCSV compares dates also, not the others why not use == now
case of double dispatching for DataCSV when compared with SimpleData, makes more general ?
Global FullName::GetFrameName (const std::string &fname)
To move or change, really used ??
Global IndicatorObjectStock::GetNameObject () const
check PstockLine override, seems yes get the value, but no name ??
Global ListDataStockBase::AddData (DataStock &)=0

maybe insert first, insert last option, order or chronology ? add order best, but inefficient to insert first every time

should use T in derived class, does not make sense otherwise. More flexible ? certainly can use GetX

Global Utils::StringToTime_t (const char *str)
check this version with char * str All times are expressed in the localtime
Format can be:
  • "YEAR-MOnth-DAy HH:MM:SS"
  • "YEAR-MOnth-DAy", here hour, minute and sec are considered as 0.
    strstring representing the date
    the time_t corresponding, or Utils::ERROR_StrToTime if an error occurred in the parsing
Global wrapUpdateCSV (const char *symbol, std::vector< DataCSV > &new_csv, std::vector< SimpleData > &new_vol, bool btest)

writing data with option, directly in /csv

check the order of the data and consistent with ListDataStock

symbolof the stock, given by dictstocks.txt
new_csv,new_volvector with new data
testif test in true, read data from data_test, writes output data_test/historical_tmp