ROOT_Application  2.0
C++ Core modules and GUIStock
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File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
|o*DataStock.cppImplementation file of DataStock classes
|o*DataStock.hClasses for data to be stored in ListDataStock
|o*ListDataStock.hDefine a list of DataStock objects
|o*ListDataStock_timpl.hImplementation of the functions
|o*PolicyChronologic.hDefine template class policies for ordering the data in a vector
|o*SMSubject.cppImplementation file
|o*SMSubject.hConcrete class for the subject/observable of StockManager
|o*Stock.cppImplementation of Stock, include TAlibAPI.h and StockwrapPyParser.cpp
|o*Stock.hDefine the class Stock to deal with an unique stock: DJ, IBM..
|o*StockException.cppImplementation file
|o*StockException.hException to be used within stock_cpp
|o*StockManager.cppImplementation file
|o*StockManager.hStores all stocks and defines convenient functions
|o*StockwrapPyParser.cppFile included by Stock.cpp, Function for embedding python in Stock class
|o*TAlibAPI.cppImplementation file
|o*TAlibAPI.hAPI for using TA_lib of X in ROOT_Application
|o*TALibException.hCentralize all exception coming form the TALib library interface
|o*TCPServer.cppImplementation file
|o*TCPServer.hServer to receive new Instantaneous data from ServerPortfolio
|o*typedef.hDefine typedef with a default chronology policy for the most common types of ListDataStock
|\*wrapPyStock.cppSource file for the library imported by the python modules to access Stock functions
|o*CanvasStock.cxxImplementation file of CanvasStock.h
|o*CanvasStock.hCanvasStock used to represent THStock
|o*CommonXAxis.cxxEmpty file, to delete ?
|o*CommonXAxis.hDefine a proper class CommonAxis
|o*GUIMainController.cxxImplementation file
|o*GUIMainFrame.hMain graphic frame for GUIStock application
|o*GUIObserver.hLast modified
|o*GUIStock.cxxMain function for running the GUI application
|o*RealTime2.cxxLast modified:
|o*RealTime2.hRealTime2 derives from TTimer
|o*ROOTStock.cxxMain function for running a ROOT session Stock library loaded and access to the ROOT interpreter
|o*THistPainterStock.cxxImplementation file
|o*THistPainterStock.hDerive a specific painter for THStock
|\*TransientFrame.hDefine class for transient frame, regroup message box for user entry
 o*FullName.cppImplementation file
 o*FullName.hNamespace's for functions related to the string format of Indicator / Frame
 o*Indicator.cppImplementation file
 o*Indicator.hDeclare all indicators (historical data and technical indicators) which can be computed and visualized
 o*MyTimer.cppImplementation file
 o*MyTimer.hDefine a timer class, to be used for testing performance
 o*ObsPattern_Obs.cppImplementation file
 o*ObsPattern_Sub.cppImplementation file
 o*ObsPattern_Sub.hBase class for the Subject/Observable from the Observer pattern
 o*TimeScale.hDefine Time period information for the data
 o*Utils.cppImplementation of Utils
 o*Utils.hGroup general functions to convert to/from string, split line..
 o*UtilsExceptions.cppImplementation file
 \*UtilsExceptions.hDefine general exception, of general utility