17 #include "../../utils/Indicator.h"
51 std::string opt_string = std::string() );
57 static EColor
const char str_color);
Derive from TH1 will draw the graph.
"Clever" enumeration of the ListDataStock type : StockCSV, Volume, EMA, BOLL,...
static ObjectLine * obj
no direct access to internal ObjectLine
static IndicatorObjectStock * CreateObjectStock(Indicator indic, std::string full_name_indic, unsigned int size, THStock *parent, std::string opt_string=std::string())
create indicator object
Define concrete classes for ObjectStock.
Define a base class for drawing indicator only, they are sorted in ListDataStock object.
Regroup sub-hierarchy related to the LineObject :
static EColor MakeColor(const char str_color)
translate name to integer color in root
virtual ~FactoryObjectStock()
static ObjectLine * CreateDrawableObjectLine(int stage_draw, double valueX, double valueY, TypeLine mode_obj)
create specifically ObjectLine
Factory for all object stock.
c++ 11 style, used by both EditorObjectStock and ObjectLine cannot make dictionary with enum class ! ...
define stages for drawing