Python parsers and server
Namespaces | |
AutoParser | |
Module for updating the dictionary of stocks using independent threads every TIMEPARSER sec, and parsing data on demand from the server. | |
DictionaryStocks | |
Define singleton class DictionaryStocks, act as the main container of Stocks objects. | |
GlobalDicts | |
Global variables for configuration: paths, TCP ports and generic definitions. | |
main_dict | |
Executable to test the module DictionaryStocks. | |
ModClientTCP | |
Make a class for sending new data to the server of ROOT_application. | |
Parsers | |
PortfolioException | |
Define custom and specific exceptions for the complete package. | |
SocketServer_Client | |
To communicate with the server. | |
SocketServer_Server | |
Server of the application, wait for requests: provide data, force update, etc. | |
Stock | |
Define the classes Stock and InvalidStock. | |
StockTemplates | |
Define the global variable StockTemplates.StTmpl and dictionary templates. | |
UpdateStocks | |
Define class UpdateStocks and ParserFactory. | |
Utils | |
Utility functions. | |
Validation | |
For graphical user validation before saving the data. | |
ValidStockUpdate | |
Define class ValidStockUpdate. | |