ServerPortfolio  2.0
Python parsers and server
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Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
oNmain_unittestMain executable to run all tests in serverportfolio/unit_test
oNRun_ParsersStandalone program, implement all possible functions with or without the Server running
oNServer_PortfolioMain executable for running the portfolio python service
 oNAutoParserModule for updating the dictionary of stocks using independent threads every TIMEPARSER sec,
and parsing data on demand from the server
 oNDictionaryStocksDefine singleton class DictionaryStocks, act as the main container of Stocks objects
 oNGlobalDictsGlobal variables for configuration: paths, TCP ports and generic definitions
 oNmain_dictExecutable to test the module DictionaryStocks
 oNModClientTCPMake a class for sending new data to the server of ROOT_application
 |oNAbstractDefine an abstract base class for specific Parsers
 |oNParser_BoursoSpecific parser for querying the french Boursorama website
 |oNUtilsParsersUtilities functions specific to the parsers
 |oNYahooCSVDefine the class YahooCSV to use the 'old' Yahoo API
 |\NYahooYQLSpecific parser using Yahoo YQL interface
 oNPortfolioExceptionDefine custom and specific exceptions for the complete package
 oNSocketServer_ClientTo communicate with the server
 oNSocketServer_ServerServer of the application, wait for requests: provide data, force update, etc
 oNStockDefine the classes Stock and InvalidStock
 oNStockTemplatesDefine the global variable StockTemplates.StTmpl and dictionary templates
 oNUpdateStocksDefine class UpdateStocks and ParserFactory
 oNUtilsUtility functions
 oNValidationFor graphical user validation before saving the data
 \NValidStockUpdateDefine class ValidStockUpdate