ServerPortfolio  2.0
Python parsers and server
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
oNmain_unittestMain executable to run all tests in serverportfolio/unit_test
oNRun_ParsersStandalone program, implement all possible functions with or without the Server running
oNServer_PortfolioMain executable for running the portfolio python service
|oNAutoParserModule for updating the dictionary of stocks using independent threads every TIMEPARSER sec,
and parsing data on demand from the server
||oCthread_parserIndependent thread parsing the web pages, consuming data from the queue
||\CThread_Handle_QueueThread to handle the queueing system and create the thread_parsers
|oNDictionaryStocksDefine singleton class DictionaryStocks, act as the main container of Stocks objects
||oCSingletonDefine a metaclass Singleton object
||\CDictionaryStocksContainer of all Stocks objects, it also reads the static stocks configuration file "dictstocks.txt"
|oNGlobalDictsGlobal variables for configuration: paths, TCP ports and generic definitions
||\CEActionEnumeration for the action to be performed by the parser
|oNmain_dictExecutable to test the module DictionaryStocks
|oNModClientTCPMake a class for sending new data to the server of ROOT_application
||\CTCPClientMake a connection to the root application server to send directly new data
||oNAbstractDefine an abstract base class for specific Parsers
|||\CAbstractParserDefine 2 abstract methods which need to be overridden by the Parsers
and a generic algorithm (run_parser) for parsing the data
||oNParser_BoursoSpecific parser for querying the french Boursorama website
|||\CParser_BoursoSpecific parser for querying the Boursorama website, only for instantaneous data
||oNUtilsParsersUtilities functions specific to the parsers
||oNYahooCSVDefine the class YahooCSV to use the 'old' Yahoo API
|||\CYahooCSVDerived parser class for retrieving divers data from the 'old' Yahoo API
||\NYahooYQLSpecific parser using Yahoo YQL interface
|| \CYahooYQLUse the Yahoo YQL API
|oNPortfolioExceptionDefine custom and specific exceptions for the complete package
||oCPortfolioErrorBase class of the custom exceptions
||oCParserErrorDerived class specific to the parsers
||\CQueryErrorSpecific exception related to the web query (Utils.WebQuery)
|oNSocketServer_ClientTo communicate with the server
|oNSocketServer_ServerServer of the application, wait for requests: provide data, force update, etc
||oCMyThreaded_TCPServer_ParserThe thread Server
||\CMyHandler_ParserMake a proper handler class to respond to the message
|oNStockDefine the classes Stock and InvalidStock
||oCStockStore data and functions related to one stock
||\CInvalidStockClass template for invalid stocks, if a stock symbol is not found in the configuration file
|oNStockTemplatesDefine the global variable StockTemplates.StTmpl and dictionary templates
||\CStockTemplatesDefine template dictionaries to describe the data structure
|oNUpdateStocksDefine class UpdateStocks and ParserFactory
||oCUpdateStocksUpdate data of a list of Stock's (only one action by call is possible)
||\CParserFactoryHelper functions, all the functions to create a specific parser from a given action
|oNUtilsUtility functions
|oNValidationFor graphical user validation before saving the data
||oCVerticalScrolledFrameA pure Tkinter scrollable frame that actually works!
||oCValidationTkinterGUI interface to validate the update and saving of data
||oCManagerTkManage and serialize the access to a ValidationTkinter application, necessary when UpdateStock is run with multiple threads
||\CValidationTkHPSmall GUI, specific for dealing with list_csv
|\NValidStockUpdateDefine class ValidStockUpdate
| \CValidStockUpdateExtend class Stock with functions related to the validation and saving after a stock update: most of the post_process functionalities