ServerPortfolio  2.0
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Classes | Variables
serverportfolio.StockTemplates Namespace Reference

Define the global variable StockTemplates.StTmpl and dictionary templates. More...


class  StockTemplates
 Define template dictionaries to describe the data structure. More...


tuple StTmpl = StockTemplates()
 Initialise a global variable when the module is loaded. More...
tuple d_static = StTmpl.get_dict_static()

Detailed Description

Define the global variable StockTemplates.StTmpl and dictionary templates.

Last Changed

Id: 29 2015-05-05 11:09:54Z michael

Variable Documentation

tuple serverportfolio.StockTemplates.d_static = StTmpl.get_dict_static()

Definition at line 525 of file

tuple serverportfolio.StockTemplates.StTmpl = StockTemplates()

Initialise a global variable when the module is loaded.

if executed in main, logger can be loaded, class can be derived or executed in DictStocks, used by Parsers/Stocks...StockXML

Definition at line 517 of file